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A VERY busy NTD, I ran a posing workshop with Hannah Mitchell at Future Fitness, we had just over 30 attendees which was brilliant. Top that off with England NOT winning the six nations at it’s been a very happy Saturday haha!
Tomorrow is filled with the other half’s photoshoot and then food after!
Due to travelling to Liverpool next week, I’m having to juggle sessions around again, but it’a all good!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
I’m spending the weekend of this weekend off down at my other half’s flat in Liverpool. It took me just over 6 hours to get her due to a closure on the M6, so I’m behind on meals, but I’ll be able to tick everything off.
There’s nothing worse than sitting in stand still traffic on country roads! I love driving my car, but that was just appalling, not to mention bursting for a piss for about 2 hours.
Anyway, Nick and I have agreed to nudge the food up a bit, but to also add in NPP at 400mg per week, so the cycle is looking like this;
Test E – 1000mg
Primo – 600mg
NPP – 400mg
GH – 6IU pre-bed
T4 – 100mg/day
Lantus – 20IU/day
Humalog – 10IU pre and post
Telmisartan – 40mg/day
Metformin – 500mg/day
MK677 – 1 tab AM
Loving the log bro!
1) Do you find 1000mg of Test E gives you more benefits than, say, 750mg or 500mg?
2) Is there a reason you take all of your GH pre-bed rather than split throughout the day?
3) Does your coach base your insulin dosage based on your blood sugar levels?
4) Do you notice any significant metabolic boost from the T4, or is it more for GH conversion support?[/quote]
Hi Jordan,
1. I notice a difference in my recovery, and I feel I tolerate high test really well (my blood work backs that too). I may get an initial spike in blood pressure, but over time it settles.
2. I notice a really nice benefit to my sleep quality, and if my biggest natural pulse (on paper) were to occur at night, then I’m mimicking that. Also, it’s one less thing to remember.
3. Yes, that’s based off BG values, so my dosing of lantus fluctuates week to week (sometimes).
4. It’s noticed some slight deviations of thyroid in my blood work a few years ago running 4+IU of GH, so ever since I’ve kept it in.
Hope this helps!
Bro in you ped stack you prefer to use primo and NPP …In place of this 2 compound believe I can make simiral results with 500 mast e + 500 EQ together with 1000 test ?[/quote]
Compound choice and escalation depends on what you can tolerate and sides. If you can tolerate high test, and EQ at 500mg then sure.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A strange one today, I just could not for the life of me get my head in the game for today’s push (shoulder) session. Blaring loud music, sniffing salts like they’re going out of fashion, and I just couldn’t lock in. The funny thing is that it was still a superb session where I progressed on almost everything, so a very strange one, but I’ll take it!
It’s very rare that happens. I could’ve started training at 1, but didn’t start until 1:45, all the while taking ages to warm up, I knew that I was procrastinating.
Standing iso-lateral cuffed raises – 2 working sets, 12-15
Cuffed cable rear delt raises – 3 working sets, 15-20
High incline DB shoulder press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15
Prime flat PL chest press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15
Rear peck deck – 3 working sets, 12-15 + double drop
Bent over rope triceps extensions – 3 working sets, 12-15
Overhead rope triceps extensions – 3 working sets, 12-15
Across the body cable triceps extensions – 3 working sets, 12-15
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A great back day today, and as I mentioned, I’m doing things almost back to front this week to accommodate my training partner’s work. You’d think after a NTD my back days numbers would be even higher, but they were in line with what I usually see from the sessions, which is a few reps here and there, and maybe a 1.25/2.5kg plate added. i don’t know what I was expecting, but there were progressions nonetheless.
Neutral grip lat pulldowns – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
T-bar rows – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
HS SA PL row – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
SA DB rows – 2x 8-12
Deadlifts – 1x 8-12
Every time I write that session down on paper it looks like nothing, but it’s served me very well over the years.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
I finally got work done on my right pec today, and already it feels 100x better, and I’ve not even touched a weight yet. According to Ricky, my physique is feeling fresh and probably the reason why I’m continually seeing more and more progression on a weekly basis. I know that in the past I’ve just allowed my body to break down and eventually get to a point where I’m just absolutely done in.
Again, I need to rotate sessions around due to my training partner’s work, so it’s a big back day tomorrow!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A superb chest day completed today! Usually, if I train chest after legs, I feel a little drained, but today was bang on. Once again, I saw increases in numbers across most lifts which was great to see!
My right peck was very tight last week, but after a treatment last Wednesday, it felt quite good today, probably 85%. I’ve got another appointment tomorrow, so I’ll get that final 15% rubbed out.
Seated cuffed cable flys – 2x 8-12, 1x 12-15
Incline DB press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
HS incline PL chest press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
Standing cable flys – 1x 12-15
SA cable side raises – 3x 12-15
SA cable rear raises – 3x 12-15
High incline EZ-bar cable curls – 1x 12-15 (pyramiding up to the failure/working set)
Standing cable curls – 1x 12-15 (pyramiding up to the failure/working set)
Shallow decline sit-ups – 3 working sets, AMRAP
Job done!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
How long do your sessions usually last mate
The bulk of the session between 1-1.5 hours, add in 20 minutes warming up + 20 minutes stretching, just over 2 hours
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
If you ever get your order they’re good, but their customer service is beyond shocking!
There are plenty others, I believe black ice now does mens posing trunks. I used Nefertiti last year;
Nefertiti Stagewear | Quality Bodybuilding Posing trunks.
Nefertiti Stagewear bodybuilding stagewear, maximising your physique and hard work at competition time. Quality Bodybuilding Posing trunks.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A cracking leg session ticked off to start off the week. I usually train legs on a Tuesday as I prefer a day off after the session, however, my training partner is working down south so wanted to do the hardest session of the week with me, and then he’ll train down south. To be honest, as much as it was a thought, it’s actually a relief it’s done for the week and that I now get 8 days off until the next one.
Prime PL lying leg curls – 1x 12-15 + a triple drop set
Prime PL leg extensions – 1x 12-15 + Tuor rest pause (I’ve outlined this in previous leg sessions)
HS horizontal leg press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15 (working set climbed to 400kg)
Pendulum squat – 1x 8-12
Cybex seated leg curls – 1x 12-15, 1x 15-20
Seated calve raises – 3x 20
Decline sit-ups – 3x AMRAP
I feel the volume I have in play is just right, and I’m seeing progress visually, but being able to come back into the session the following week with a fresh set of pins. Where as, when my volume strays a bit too high, I am in still in pain the following week.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Agreed, remove HCG while on prep
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
That’s the weekend ticked off, and a great day yesterday with the boys watching the rugby.
I just down most, if not all, social gatherings/occasions when I go onto prep, so I want to make sure I’m getting a good bit of down time in with the boys.
I’m excited to see where this week takes me, I’m delighted with my look at this weight.
3 full weeks of this setup and then I’ll most likely pull food back a tiny little bit, as I usually do in a health phase just to give my gut a rest.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A pretty chilled NTD today, with a check-in of my client Ali who’s looking bonkers, a posing client and then just admin on the laptop for the rest of the day.
My lower back isn’t as bad as I thought it would be from yesterday’s session, but it’s still pretty tender to the touch.
I checked in with Nick today at 290lbs – see IG post for more. No changes today, and it’s unlikely there will be anymore after today either due to the remaining duration of the off season.
Very happy!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
There gets to a point where my carb totals/volume becomes obscene, and adding fats is easier for me to add calories without the volume. My first change to my offseason diet when transitioning into a prep is removing 300-400cals from fat.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
I’m quite vascular in both, but it’s easy to avoid them, and ensuring you’re in either of the heads. Biceps is a doddle once you’ve done it a few times
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A very successful back day completed. After deloads/weeks off, my number rarely suffer with pulling movements, so everything was on par with where it was pre-break.
Checking in tomorrow with Nick, and with the ever so subtle food increases we put in, I’m sure there’s going to be some noticeable change, as I can both feel and see it.
Neutral grip lat pulldowns – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
T-bar rows – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
HS SA PL row – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
SA DB rows – 2x 8-12
Deadlifts – 1x 8-12 (back up to 280kg)
As you can see, relatively low volume, but this has worked for ages, when I do add something else in, a row, a pullover, rear delts, I know I’m just done by that 1 working set of deadlifts.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle