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  • Adam Bishop

    August 6, 2021 at 2:59 pm in reply to: Maxing out machines when to remove them ?

    What kind or rep range are you hitting when maxing out the machine?

    Bands are cheap and easy to get hold off but you also have a few other options if you are repping out easily on said machines:

    1) change the tempo of the lift, maybe slow down the eccentric portion.

    2) move the exercise later in the session to add fatigue

    3) like you said – use that machine as a higher rep set

    Finally a bit more extreme…

    4) either buy yourself or have the gym buy some slim metal powerlifting plates.

  • Adam Bishop

    August 6, 2021 at 2:54 pm in reply to: Operation World’s Strongest Man

    Friday is usually an events session for me but I’m travelling north tomorrow to train on the competition kit ready for next week so a slight change of schedule this week.

    In reality I think it’s needed as I am still feeling Monday’s deadlift session – probably as it’s the first time I’ve pulled over 400kg in a year. Even though this is planned it still kicks you in the nuts a bit.

    Anyway it will all be worth it – 1000lb deadlift in coming….

  • Adam Bishop

    August 6, 2021 at 2:51 pm in reply to: Operation World’s Strongest Man

    HEAVY PRESS (from Wednesday)

    Still feeling the effects of the heavy deadlift session on Monday but after a nice slow extended warm up the session turned out to be a good one.

    Log press – up to 170×3 (Pb)

    Seated DB Press
    Incline DB Press
    Cable Pressdowns

    All for the usual 2 working sets. I’m into my taper now ready for the Deadlift championships next weekend so the total workload of the sessions will be dropping

  • Adam Bishop

    August 2, 2021 at 7:00 pm in reply to: Operation World’s Strongest Man


    Final heavy pull session before the World Deadlift Championship on the 14th.

    Deadlift – worked up to a single at 427.5kg. Felt easy. Video is up on my IG. Confident that 455kg+ is there in two weeks to join the 1000lb club.

    Squat – worked up to a single at 325kg. Had some issues squatting on a normal barbell instead of my usual squat bar but we managed.

    Finished up with some volume on the hack squat (3×20)

    The big focus was the deadlift today and it didn’t disappoint. Rest day tomorrow before some log press on Wednesday.

  • Adam Bishop

    July 31, 2021 at 9:27 pm in reply to: Operation World’s Strongest Man


    Viking press – 4×6 (just getting a feel for the movement again with 150kg)

    Then the rest of my session consisted of the usual two work sets, one in the 6-8 range then a back off of 12-15 reps

    Seated Panatta Press
    DB Lateral Raise
    Super incline press
    Pec Dec
    Cable decline press
    Rope Pressdowns
    Wide grip Pressdowns

    Good session. A much needed rest day tomorrow before I pull something BIG from the floor on Monday. Final deadlift session before the world deadlift champs.

  • Adam Bishop

    July 31, 2021 at 9:20 pm in reply to: Pec major tear

    Ouch nasty one that.

    Yeah as above you need a proper diagnosis first before determining a timeframe and rehab plan. Some form of scan would be needed to examine the extent of the tear as depending on the severity of the injury you may or may not need a surgical intervention.

    Tear location will also be a factor eg is the tendon ruptured off the bone or is the tear in the muscle belly itself.

    It’s good news you have access to private medical – get referred to a specialist to get a diagnosis.

  • Adam Bishop

    July 30, 2021 at 7:54 pm in reply to: Chains

    Yeah to echo Rich chains are just a pain in the arse to use and move about really.

    Bands are much easier to use and transport really. If you have chains to hand and want to use them go ahead but ensure you have them set up to maximise the load difference from the bottom to the top of the lift (eg a connector chain or strap to a bunched of chains that fully deload at the bottom and nearly completely come off the floor at the top)

  • Adam Bishop

    July 30, 2021 at 7:49 pm in reply to: Operation World’s Strongest Man


    The never ending juggling act of managing training events for all the upcoming competitions continues! This was a training day focused on the Shaw Classic events

    Hummer tyre deadlift
    Worked up to 450kg and left it there – I’m only 6 days post competition so as expected I’m not fully recovered yet. I’ll pull 500+ next week.

    Worked up to 340kg for 24m (drop turn at 12m) Nothing too heavy, once again just preparing my spine for some heavy yoke over the next couple of weeks

    Sandbag over bar
    Multiple singles with the 22kg bag over the 4.5m wall. Getting used to the movement as it’s very different to keg toss!

    Atlas Stones
    Finished with the light run of 120/130/150kg focusing on speed between each stone.

    Great session but I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus! Some upperbody training tomorrow which I’ll make machine based before a much needed recovery day Sunday

  • Adam Bishop

    July 30, 2021 at 7:42 pm in reply to: Operation World’s Strongest Man

    Hi Adam

    great content you put on, i have a question around rugby as i know you was at harlequins.

    ore season how would you structure gym sessions each week, would it be upper/lower or p/p/l

    would you structure 2 sets in 1 heavy 1 back off or completely different?



    Hi Jonny

    Haha interesting question as I had a realisation today that this is the first time in 21 years I have not done a rugby pre season as a player or coach. Mad times.

    For in season training I settled on two different splits depending on which training day/rugby split we used.

    If our training week was M/T/W/F I would go with:

    M – light total body, goal is to challenge joint stability and aid recovery here. Nothing heavy, mainly proprioception and blood flow work

    T – Heavy lifts for most this was a power movement followed by a squat or deadlift and an overhead press.

    W – eccentric posterior chain loading and upperbody volume. Basically the movements most likely to create DOMS are put the day before the rest day.

    If we followed a M/T/T/F training week I would implement the following:

    M – Same as above

    T – Heavy lowerbody. Squat, RDL, scum sled, calf work

    T – Upperbody heavy main lift (usually overhead press or incline press) followed by upper body volume.

    As you can see the rugby week structured the gym work. This would be further impacted by what day the game was on and if it was a short turn around (Saturday to Friday game). It should also be noted that for most of my career I programmed for the forwards. The backs have a more complicated split in order to accommodate sprint sessions on the track.

    I hope that kind of makes sense!

  • Adam Bishop

    July 28, 2021 at 8:14 pm in reply to: Operation World’s Strongest Man


    Log press – 160×3 152×3 145×3
    Open trap bar military press – up to 120×8
    Incline DB Press x4 x13
    Skullcrushers x10 x15

    More volume on the log today, also added in the open trap bar presses out the rack to simulate a Viking press which is coming up. All in all a good session.

  • Adam Bishop

    July 28, 2021 at 9:28 am in reply to: BPC157 and plantar Fasciitis

    As far as I am aware BPC157 operates systemically but most people choose to inject it as close to the injured site as possible. When I have used it in the past I have injected close to the injured site and into my abdomen and I haven’t noticed any difference in its actions.

    If it were me I’d just find the closest point where I can pull away the skin layer. I definitely wouldn’t be injecting into my foot/heel area as it’s lean and there’s a lot going on down there.

  • Adam Bishop

    July 26, 2021 at 4:31 pm in reply to: Operation World’s Strongest Man


    First competition back after WSM and it was nice to have a no pressure competition to do. No titles but a great show in an epic venue and a chance to make some money.

    I haven’t been training to peak for this one so didn’t expect to win and that took a load of the pressure off and I could really enjoy the whole experience.

    I finished up 4th just off the podium with an event win in the 360kg Axle deadlift (7reps) and a 2nd place in the 20m 400kg Frame carry (9.46sec). I messed up the clean in the axle press for max on event one which if I got I would have been in a solid 3rd place overall.

    Great to finally be back competing in the UK in front of crowds and to meet everyone afterwards. Time to get back to training as I have the World Deadlift champs in 3 weeks before the Shaw Classic 2 weeks after that.

  • Adam Bishop

    July 21, 2021 at 8:40 pm in reply to: Importance of Barbell Squats?

    Just to give another differing perspective…

    I’d be interested in seeing your form while squatting as this will obviously have a huge impact on muscle recruitment. A high bar deep knee flexion squat with some form of heel lift be it a shoe or wedge is a great way to bias the quads in the squat. Put it this way Olympic weightlifters spend their whole time squatting up and down and I’m yet to see a small set of pins on one of them!

    I’m a big fan of squats as a mass builder for the whole lowerbody (obviously I’m not as focused on isolation as many on here and more focused on the poundage lifted)

    As the other guys have said it is not essential to squat to build big quads but I do think it’s a useful tool to build mass across the lowerbody as a whole as you can get a massive stimulus from it and really tax the body.

    Depending on experience level I can see massive benefits in including a squat variation in conjunction with some more isolation focused exercises to build quad mass.

  • Adam Bishop

    July 21, 2021 at 8:29 pm in reply to: Operation World’s Strongest Man

    Busy couple of days for me.

    Had a lifting seminar on Sunday and a TV appearance on Monday morning which involved a little lifting demo so moving strongman kit about in this heat is not fun!

    Waited till the evening to get my final session in before the competition this weekend. Minimal volume, just looking for a neural stimulus without creating any fatigue.

    Worked up to a Axle Strict Press of 161kg for a new PB. Felt good.

    Cryo and massage booked for tomorrow before I head to the athletes hotel on Friday.

  • Adam Bishop

    July 19, 2021 at 8:22 pm in reply to: Squats not progressing

    My first go to would be to change up the rep range and get some solid weeks progress in that new rep range.

    After that I would switch up the squat variation (switch to a safety squat bar or cambered bar) You could even move to a paused squat and look to progress that.

    Final resort would be to switch out the exercise completely for another leg exercise.

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