Adam Bishop
Forum Replies Created
What movements have you tried to activate it with?
I’m a fan of some simple band 45degree Pulldowns to get the lats “engaged” prior to my lifting. Going from a fully stretched position to a tight row position and utilising an isometric hold in that row position.
Failing that maybe you could look at trying some electro stimulation via a compex unit or similar?
It’s a tough question to answer without seeing how you move in person.
World Open – Feat the World Deadlift Championship
Went into this competition full of confidence and gunning for a big big deadlift. Weighed in at 343lbs the morning of the show which is big for me and probably the heaviest I’ve competed at. Straight away I felt the benefits of the extra weight.
Here’s a overview of the event by event results:
Deadlift – 453.5kg (1000lbs) – joint 2nd
Carry and drag – 2nd
Viking press – 11 reps – joint 2nd
Front hold – 5th
Atlas stones – 1stOverall 2nd place
I got the 1000lb pull nailed and it was pretty comfortable to be honest. The next jump was 475kg after this which I went for but I missed it forward at the knee. Not there today but I was good for around 465kg for sure.
It was a great atmosphere in the venue and the crowd helped me through every event. No real time to rest as I only have two weeks till I compete again! Onto the next one
Competition update:
Pulled 1000lbs and finished 2nd overall in the whole show.
I’ll do a proper write up tomorrow but it’s bedtime for me (if the JPre ever leaves my body)
Yeah I agree with rich.
My favourite cue for engaging the lats and stabilising the spine is the “bend the bar”. Imagine you’re going to bend that bar at the point in between your hands. I find this cue effective with the majority of people.
Thanks guys.
Made it to the hotel and completed interviews and athletes meetings. Food all loaded up so bed time now. Tomorrow it’s go time.
Not much to report today. I’ve spent most the day either relaxing or eating (the dream right!)
On the road tomorrow up to Manchester where I’ll get some soft tissue work done before heading to the hotel for the athletes meeting
Surgery went well. Able to locate the tendon very quickly, being a taller chappy Surgeons had plenty of area available for them to re-attach the tendon. Into the clavicle was still all in-tact. Training wise just getting 10k steps in, very light hack squats, leg ext, ham curls, calf – work and abs.
I’m in a sling for 6 weeks, stitches in my shoulder are healing nicely.
Jimmy mentioned GH/peptides. I’m in my mid 40s so supplementing my declining GH levels is an interesting factor. Peptides I’ve heard a lot of good things but I know zip zero about peptides. I could do with a coach for a month or so to point me in the right direction but concerned I would be the worlds most boring client right now LOL! ?
Glad the surgery went well.
From a training point of view you can still train the other side. There has been some research indicating a cross training effect with contra lateral training and maintaining muscle mass after injury.
As long as it’s safe to do so feel free to add in some single arm work on your non-injured side. When I’ve used this in the past with myself and my athletes we kept reps low and performed machine based exercises for 4 sets of 6-8 reps. I did find this effective in maintaining muscle mass on the non-injured side without building up too much of an imbalance.
Yeah as above we need to know what you’re doing now, training age, lifting proficiency etc before suggesting frequency or leg training or splitting quads and hamstrings training.
Give us some more info and we can help
Awesome final pressing session today. Minimal volume and maximum intensity. I’m still training for a max log press in a a couple of weeks time so even though I don’t have log press at my next show, I’m still working hard at it.
Log press – 180×3 PB.
That’s all the training done before the World Open this weekend. Just rest and recovery work to ensure I’m operating at 100%
Very chilled rest day today.
Usual morning walk followed by some soft tissue work.
Body is feeling great at the moment which is a combination of my training taper and my sleep quality being much improved – mainly down to a combination of the addition of Dream Sleep pre bed and it being a bit cooler at night at the moment.
Final press session tomorrow before rest and recovery for the weekend
Obviously this is very dependant on diet, how much bodyfat you’re carrying and gear use etc but you could look to supplement with Boron and/or proviron which might help a bit.
To be honest though I’ve found diet and activity level to have the biggest impact on visual water retention.
I would get rid of lifting straps where possible to get additional grip work in.
Add to this high volume wrist rollers and you should see some good results. I usually include them as part of my grip work using a plate or kettlebell attached to a barbell via a green band.
Total session volume way down now as I taper towards the show. Just some squats and leg press today, no deadlifts.
Squat – up to a top set of 255×10
Leg press – 3×20
I’ve pushed my carbs up to 1000g for the rest of the week as I look to get a bloat on for some added strength. It will be interesting to see where my bodyweight goes to, I’m currently sitting at 341lbs right now.
A much needed rest day for me today. Went out for my usual daily walk with the dogs then just a couple of odd jobs around the house and garden.
Carbs are going up a bit more next week as we look to prepare for the competition on Saturday.