Adam Bishop
Forum Replies Created
It that’s the case you’d be best using something to pad out your current leg extension. Could be as simple as a rolled up towel.
Squat session in the barn today. Everything felt super easy. I’m really looking forward to getting back to some proper numbers on squat – things are moving in the right direction.
Seated Leg Curl 126.25×10 91×20
Seated box jumps 5×3
Squat 260×6 210x2x3 (paused)
Leg Press 50 reps
Back Ext 50 reps
SL Calf Raise (cluster set) 8×8 R30”
EZ Bar curl 50 reps -
Rest day. At a funeral today so got the suit out for a rare occasion.
A lot of driving so far this week. Back in the gym for squats tomorrow
Rest day. Body woke up pretty beaten up. Fortunately I have two rest days in a row.
Got my steps in and prepped my meals as I’m back on the road tomorrow.
I have a funeral to attend tomorrow so no training. I’ll be back in the gym on Saturday.
Creatine can be taken anytime of day and it’s best to just take it at a time that you’ll always remember.
Busy day today. Got up and did my cardio (walking) before breakfast then 90mins later into my push session:
Incline Bench Press 150×6 120x2x3 (paused)
Seated machine press 2 sets
CGBP 2 sets
Pec dec 50 reps
DB Lateral raise 50 reps
DB Skullcrushers 50 repsThen onto some filming involving some very heavy van deadlift. After a while getting the right set up it was around 400kg in the hands at least. Fortunately only had to do 4 reps with it for the filming.
Big drive home with a stop off to eat a meal and now I’m off to bed. Very much welcomed rest day tomorrow
On the road up north ready for filming tomorrow. Got my deadlift session done:
Deadlift 350×6
Deficit paused speed pulls 190x2x3
CG Pulldown 2 sets
Seated cable row 2 sets
Seated WG cable row 50 reps
Incline DB Curl 2 sets -
“Rest” day.
Full day filming for Iveco today. Nothing strenuous but a lot of lines to learn which saw me doing a lot of steps talking to myself as I memorised the script. Finished the day on over 12k steps which is high for me. 10k is my daily target.
On the road again tomorrow up north for another shoot. I’ll be deadlifting up there tomorrow afternoon
Mirafit are a good option. I’m yet to break any of their kit so it must be good.
Yes Dips are a great movement
Push session in the barn. Everything went to plan. Got my meals for the next 3 days cooked this evening as I have some work on the road Monday-Wednesday. Feel a lot more relaxed knowing that I have food with me ready to be eaten.
Military Press 130×4 105x2x3 (paused)
Dips 160×10 146×15
JM Press 90×10 70×15
DB Lateral Raise 50 reps
Cable Fly 50 reps
Pressdowns 50 reps -
Squat session in the barn today:
Seated leg curl 125×12 90×19
Seated box jumps 5×3
Squat 250×6 200x2x3 (paused)
Leg press 50 reps
Back extension 50 reps
SL Calf raise (cluster set) 7×8 rolling 30”
EZ bar curl 50 reps -
Rest day today. Morning was spent sitting around waiting for a parcel to be be delivered so afternoon was packed with dog walks and solo walks to get my steps in.
Honestly can’t wait to get back in the gym tomorrow. Living my training and diet right now and proper found my groove again. Took a lot of will power to stay out the gym today.
Squats tomorrow
The fact you’re asking the question tells me that you need a rest day.
Push session at Physique Warehouse today. Felt great, sticking to the plan and not rushing anything. I really don’t want a return of the pec issues I’ve had in the past so even though the incline is super easy, I’m sticking to the planned loads and focusing on the long term plan. Steady progress of the loads with perfect execution is the name of the game.
Incline Bench Press 140×6 120x2x3 (paused)
Seated DB Press 60×7 40×20
CGBP (smith) 120×11 100×16
Pec Dec 70 reps
Panatta Lateral Raise 50 reps
DB Skullcrushers 50 repsProbably going to need to drop the seated DB Press out. Getting the DBs up is now being an issue (nearly slid off the seat which affected my top set). Most likely replace it with a seated Barbell w/chains now that I have the monolift arms at home.
Rest day tomorrow